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Девушка№34141 C H A N E L

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Leonardoo сказал(а)
Время: 2016 год, 9 Июля, 21:55

She was on top of my to-do list. I have tried a couple of times before, but couldn't reach her. Today, was my lucky day. ;)

I will try, but in fact, very hard to find words to describe. She is just awesome. So young, so cute, so sweet... And sexy like hell! Ivory skin, smooth, clean, white... Firm body, statuesque... And those breasts, oh my God! And that fresh, clean, delicious pink pussy... She is just one of a kind. And so fragile! Yes, guys, no need to hurt her, please... We all need her ;)

I won't get into the process details. Nothing can be unpleasant with her.

By the way, her apartment is very fine. Easy to find, easy to reach, very clean and neat just like her.

Thanks for the pleasure you gave me, sweet Chanel! Hope to see you again soon.

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2016 год, 10 Июля, 03:13

Не изучала Английский язык, была заинтересована Японским (и в Школе, и т.д.) так что не судите строго-

Thank you! I was very pleased!

Until new sweet, passionate encounter!